Getting Started

Let’s see how to get started very quickly. You start by ....

Setting the problem

This package implements several MCMC algorithms to optimize a non-differentiable objective function. The main application are likelihood-free estimators, which requires evaluating the objective at many regions. In general, this implements Simulated Method of Moments. The library is targeted to run MCMC on an SGE cluster, where each node is a chain.

For an R implementation which is the basis of this package, see [](

Example Useage

using Mopt

# get a parameter vector
p = ["a" => 3.1 , "b" => 4.9]
# define params to use with bounds
pb= [ "a" => [0,1] , "b" => [0,1] ]

# get some moments
# first entry is moment estimate, second is standard deviation
moms = [
  "alpha" => [ 0.8 , 0.02 ],
  "beta"  => [ 0.8 , 0.02 ],
  "gamma" => [ 0.8 , 0.02 ]

# a subset of moments to match
submoms = ["alpha", "beta"]

# call objective
x = Mopt.Testobj(p,moms,submoms)

# Define an Moment Optimization Problem
mprob = Mopt.MProb(p,pb,Mopt.Testobj,moms;moments_subset=submoms)

# show

# step 2: choose an algorithm
# ----------------------
algo = Mopt.MAlgoRandom(mprob,opts=["mode"=>"serial","maxiter"=>100])

# step 3: run estimation
# ----------------------